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About Us

Fabrizio Minicone, PhD, MRSC, KNCV

Founder& Consultant

Born in Milan in 1984, I have always shown an interest in science and the challenges of research and development. Due to a close relative losing his battle to cancer, I chose to focus my career to R&D in medicinal and organic chemistry, with the aim to contribute to improve the human condition and push forward the pharmaceutical research. My goals led me to gain my Laurea Triennale in Chemistry in 2007 and Laurea Specialistica in Organic Chemistry in 2009 at the University of Milan, under the supervision of my mentor Professor Bruno Danieli. Under his guidance, I conducted a research project funded by industry (Indena) to investigate the development of a novel painkiller. I then moved to the UK, where I was offered an EPSRC funded PhD position at Queen Mary, University of London, to study a new synthetic methodology applicable in many fields of organic chemistry, such as pharmaceuticals, natural products, fragrances, agrochemicals and superconductors. Since then, I took a few postdoctoral positions in the field of medicinal chemistry (anticancer and antibiotics), in prestigious institutions such as King’s College and University of Greenwich, where I was also awarded a GSK fellowship to develop a project on the total synthesis of oligomers of industrial interest for toxicology purposes. After a spell in the CRO environment, where I operated as Lead Chemist and project manager, I felt the need to leave the laboratory setting in search of new professional challenges as a freelance consultant. Aside from the commitment under the JF2A Chemical Consulting, I am also very honoured to be part of the sciBASICS sprl team, where I act as project manager and research analyst in the field of biocides and plant protection products. Whilst I feel privileged for this opportunity, I look forward to the new exciting challenges in the sector at European level and the multiple chances to grow as a professional.


We welcome expression of interests from candidates with a strong background in polymer chemistry, computational chemistry and molecular modelling.

To discuss possible collaborations, please send your cv and motivational letter here (